Dog Vaccinations

Canine Distemper

This is a virus that is shed through body secretions and excretions. The primary route of infection is by inhalation of virus from airbourne secretions or from contaminated sources ie. clothing, blankets, brushes, bowls, faeces and urine.

Presentation can be extremely variable, including respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, discharge from eyes and nasal passages, nervous system.  Depression, anorexia and increased temperature.

Prognosis is generally poor, so prevention is better than cure.  There is currently no effective treatment and supportive therapy is all that is available. 

Canine Hepatitis virus (Canine adenovirus)

At present it is unknown how Canine Hepatitis is spread.  However clinical signs include anorexia, weight loss, depression, jaundice, ascites. Response to drug treatment is varied.

Canine Parvovirus

Parvo is by far one of the more common vaccinatable diseases we will see admitted to hospital.  Symptoms include sudden onset of anorexia, depression, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, severe dehydration.  Parvovirus is a very resistant virus that can remain active in the environment for over 12 months.

It is a highly contagious virus that is often fatal.  It can be spread by bodily fluids including saliva, blood, urine or faeces.  This includes any contact with any surfaces that have had contact with the above.  Your dog only has to walk through the grass where an infected dog has defecated to be at risk of contracting this disease.

Prognosis is guarded and involves lengthy hospital stays for supportive treatment.  Isolation protocols need to be instigated.  Parvovirus can also live in the ground for a few years.  Clients that have had a pet diagnosed with parvovirus shouldn't have another puppy in their yard for many years.

Prevention is definitely the way to go. 

Canine Cough

Canine or kennel cough is an infection of the upper respiratory tract and causes a harsh and distressing cough for up to 2 weeks, which if untreated can lead to pneumonia. Two of the major infectious causes of Canine Cough can be vaccinated against and lower the chances of your dog getting this disease. 

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