Dental Focus 2018

Dental Focus 2018

Did you know that dental health in our pets is as important as it is with us? Yet how often do we brush our pets’ teeth?

Over time plaque accumulates on the tooth surface and once there long enough, it forms calculus or tartar (this is the brown, rock-like substance seen in this picture). Bacteria continue to accumulate and eventually cause gingivitis. This then leads to gum recession and periodontal disease which begins to loosen the tooth. Early stage dental disease can be treated and as long as there is no gum recession with root exposure or severe loosening of the socket ligament with pocketing, the tooth can be saved.

Ultrasonic scaling followed by polishing is the only effective way to remove calculus. Often this extends to up under the gum line and also sits on the inside aspect of the tooth, which is why a general anaesthetic is necessary. Also under anaesthetic, your pet is given a full and complete dental examination exploring and measuring each tooth and gum recess for any pocketing etc. Sometimes tooth extraction is unavoidable.

Take advantage of our dental focus now and book your pet in for a FREE dental exam before the end of March with one of our vets. If any treatment is recommended then they will go through what might be necessary. Also at this time we are offering discounted dental scaling and polishing under anaesthetic.

Call now on 08 9306 3911 to make an appointment or send us an email to [email protected]